* Where referenced LBH - this is the abbreviation for the London Borough of Havering
Charging and Remissions Policy
Havering HSCP Transgender Guidance
Havering Safeguarding Code of Conduct
LBH Children Missing Education
LBH Elective Home Education policy
Primary Drug Alcohol and Tobacco Policy
Schools Financial Benchmarking
Paper copies of our policies may be obtained from our school office on request
Remote learning
Information regarding remote learning is all within our remote learning tab on our main page which can be found here.
School development plan
Vision and priorities 2023-2025
Vision and priorities 2021-2023
Vision and priorities 2019 2021
2021 2023 Schools Improvement and Development plan
2020 2021 School Improvement and Development plan
2019-2021 School Improvement and Development plan
To increase transparency when it comes to reporting high pay for school based staff all LA maintained schools are now required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals earning over £100k in £10k bandings:- There is no-one at Towers Infant school who falls into this category.